Dan Patch Private Train Car
Raymond Baumann constructed this car as a labor of love in memory of his late grandfather, Sylvester Redford, a horse enthusiast and fan of Dan Patch. His grandfather picked up a piece of shavings from the hoof of Dan Patch at the Wisconsin State Fair in 1904 after the horse threw a shoe and had to be refitted with a new shoe.
Construction began in March, 2008 after many hours of research, planning, and gathering of materials. The car was scratch built using plans from the Garden Railroad magazine of a G-Scale passenger car in 1:20.3 scale. Modifications were made to change the car to a baggage car by adding sliding doors and screened windows. In excess of 200 hours of labor later, the car was completed in June, 2008.
The car and scenery were modeled after a picture postcard circa 1900. The details were replicated as accurately as possible although the research produced conflicting facts about many details such as the color of the interior, the color of the barn roof, the type and color of lettering and the signage.
The car and scenery were modeled after a picture postcard circa 1900. The details were replicated as accurately as possible although the research produced conflicting facts about many details such as the color of the interior, the color of the barn roof, the type and color of lettering and the signage.
The only items commercially made were the wheel sets and the couplings, cost $25.00, and the horse and people figures. The rest of the car was constructed of raw materials and designed by the builder.
Materials included:
plywood for 4 walls, doors and floor
strip bass wood, multiple sizes, for exterior siding and interior floor
balsa wood blocks and sheeting for vista roof addition
Evergreen styrene used for sliding and end doors and upper window
trim and chimney
lexan plastic for windows
1/16" piano wire for trusses
1/16" galvanized wire used for hand railings and brake wheels
brass screen for 4 windows
220 grit sandpaper used on roof
b-b shots for door knobs
1/8 " ID brass tubing for roof vents
Scale Coat white and black paints - interior and exterior of car
Testers white paint on people figures
Testers brown paint for horse
gold paint pen for scroll work
Tri-bond wood glue
super glue
paper and copying for pictures, diorama and signage
rub-on transfers for lettering
red velvet ribbon for car interior
necklace used for safety chain on end platforms
Cost of materials: approximately $155.
Materials included:
plywood for 4 walls, doors and floor
strip bass wood, multiple sizes, for exterior siding and interior floor
balsa wood blocks and sheeting for vista roof addition
Evergreen styrene used for sliding and end doors and upper window
trim and chimney
lexan plastic for windows
1/16" piano wire for trusses
1/16" galvanized wire used for hand railings and brake wheels
brass screen for 4 windows
220 grit sandpaper used on roof
b-b shots for door knobs
1/8 " ID brass tubing for roof vents
Scale Coat white and black paints - interior and exterior of car
Testers white paint on people figures
Testers brown paint for horse
gold paint pen for scroll work
Tri-bond wood glue
super glue
paper and copying for pictures, diorama and signage
rub-on transfers for lettering
red velvet ribbon for car interior
necklace used for safety chain on end platforms
Cost of materials: approximately $155.